Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quixotic Effort to Determine Additional Carcinogenic Noises

In too many ways, I am similar with the main character in Cervantes' 1605 novel. Both Don Quixote and I have tilted at various wind mills with varying degrees ranging from utter failure to efforts of no consequence or recognition.

Too often I became transfixed on problems that I couldn't possibly fix or even impact, to ignoring other issues that I could and should have engaged.

But today, I have a new issue for which I again need to put on my ill-fitting suit of armor, grasp my cracked lance, and mount my over-aged steed. And that issue for which I am willing to 

My Official Idaho Identification Badge

I had to send a pict of my ID as proof for being eligible for a reduced rate for an online newspaper.

I got thinking about my official Idaho state identification badge, and wondered what Freud might think about my ID ID.

Would my ID² be similar or different to his id, or his super id or even his ego?

And even more importantly, what would Freud's mother think about my ID²?