Thursday, December 26, 2013

Touching Base

I was cleaning up 19 pages of saved emails on my main email account, and realized that I had lost the email with directions to getting into this blog (not remembering which gmail account was needed as an anchor and what it's password was, and that it was separate for another gmail account that my cell phone company set up for my cell phone as a means of saving phone numbers and addresses apparently -- though I don't see any phone numbers in that account ....

And I realized that I had not posted anything in 2013, which was not good in terms of writing, but I was also fearful that there might be a time limit on this blog account and that a year of no activity might cause it to be deleted, and so am writing a quick post.

But in the process, my God, has gmail and google put up all sorts of road blocks and manipulative controls trying to force me to connect this to all sorts of things -- regardless of what I want, or fully understand. Nothing like having businessmen, whose main purpose is to make money, to herd customers/clients where they want, regardless of what the customer wants or understands fully all of the ramifications.

Eventually, I do believe that there will be a backlash by consumers/users/customers if the major social network sites continue down this path of excessive control.


P.S. One redeeming factor while writing this, I see that neither gmail or google have been so dominant as to have been included in their spellchecker yet ....